Intern: What motivated you to pursue a career in this industry, and how did you first get started?
Divya: I kind of stumbled into ad tech, honestly. It all started back in my freshman year when I did an internship at an ad agency. From there, I stayed within different areas of advertising. I interned in market research, then explored tech consulting for a bit. Eventually, I worked on marketing from the brand side. After grad school, with my background in advertising, I ended up at a company in ad tech. It was a natural progression, really. My experiences just led me through various facets of advertising and marketing.
Intern: That's amazing! This is my favorite part of the interviews—I love hearing everyone's stories. With that, what have been the most rewarding aspects of your career, both professionally and personally?
Divya: I actually just got promoted recently, which I'm really excited about.
Intern: Congratulations!
Divya: Thanks! I'm now a Senior Product Manager and I'm really proud of that. Especially since I transitioned into product management about three years ago—this is my first product manager role. I came into it with some experience, but I essentially had to learn how to be a product manager on the job. I'm proud of how I navigated that learning process, even if it meant stumbling and fumbling along the way. I've taken on projects I’d never done before—like data vendor integrations, managing insights dashboards, and working on our reporting products suite. It's been such a growth journey, and now I feel a lot more confident in my problem-solving skills and in my career overall. I'm truly proud of how far I've come.
Intern: Can you describe a pivotal moment in your career that helped shape the woman you are today?
Divya: I think it really came down to me taking ownership of my career. After undergrad, I went into marketing on the brand side, but I didn’t enjoy it. I didn’t like the company or the role, and my instinct was telling me I needed a change. So, I decided to go back to school. I chose grad school for data science—despite having a lot of math anxiety growing up and never seeing myself as a technical person. But I completed my master’s in applied data science, and I made it through, learning in my own way. That decision to pivot, gain technical skills, and move into data analytics was a big turning point for me. Not only did I acquire valuable skills, but I also became much more confident in my ability to think analytically and solve problems.
Intern: For our next question, what do you think is the biggest issue facing women in the business world today?
Divya: Where do I begin? I think a lot of it comes down to being taken seriously. Early on in my career, I had several instances where my opinions were dismissed or I was treated condescendingly. There was this one person that I worked with who would keep calling me "honey" whenever I made a suggestion. He’d say things like, "Well, honey, we would try that, but..." It just felt belittling. On top of that, I was young, so being a young woman made it even harder to be taken seriously.
I’m lucky though—most of my bosses have been women, and they’ve always supported and defended me. Although, I know that’s not always the case. There are a lot of teams where there aren’t many female managers. I've always felt more comfortable with a female manager, someone who I know will have my back when needed. Not to say that every female manager does that, as I've had some who were the opposite, but having women in those higher positions does make you feel like, “Okay, this is a place I could be too.” I really hope we see more women in executive roles and managerial positions.
Intern: I’m going to count this as a yes, but have you ever encountered gender bias or discrimination in your career? And how did you navigate it?
Divya: Yes. I ended up leaving that job, but in terms of gender bias, I haven't personally experienced not getting something because I'm a woman, and I'm grateful for that. But I know many people do face that, and it's still a real issue. For me, it’s more about those subtle feelings of condescension. It’s especially jarring when you’re in virtual meetings and realize you’re the only woman in the room—it’s uncomfortable. Not that men can’t be supportive, but I’ve always felt more reassured when there’s a woman in a managerial position or even just another woman on the call.
So, in terms of navigating it, aside from leaving the job, I've leaned a lot on my managers. There’s a part of it where you can’t always rely on someone else to defend you, but I’ve been lucky to have managers who’ve had my back. I’d say to someone, "Hey, this is happening, can you be in the room with me?" and just having that backup helps. On the flip side, personal growth has played a big role. As I’ve gotten more confident in my career and learned more about the systems and how things work, it’s gotten easier to communicate with male colleagues—especially engineers. I’ve also learned to ask more questions and be okay with that. It’s also about detaching from emotions sometimes—rooting your feelings in facts. If no one’s told you that you’re doing something wrong or that you don’t understand, it’s not true.
Intern: With that, what kind of influence would you like to have on other female colleagues already in or looking to enter the industry?
Divya: I’d like to be what a lot of the female bosses I’ve had have been to me—showing that it’s not a weakness to lead with empathy. It’s not a weakness to acknowledge your own flaws or anxieties and create a comforting space for those you work with or manage. We give so much of our time to work, so it’s important to make sure the workplace feels like a safe and comfortable space. One thing I’ve always appreciated about my female bosses is their ability to be open about their own stresses and anxieties. I’ve had situations where they’ve said, “I’ll be there in the meeting with you, I’ve got your back.” I’d love to be that kind of manager for a young woman—creating a space where she feels supported, where empathy isn’t seen as a weakness, and where she knows that her emotions and concerns are valid.
Intern: That’s amazing. Empathy, support, and overall emotional intelligence are so essential. Now, given the responsibilities of leadership, how do you balance ambition with self-care, especially in a high-pressure environment?
Divya: I used to not have a great work-life balance. Now, I’ve made it more of a priority. I try to get all my work done within the typical workday—around 9 to 6 or 6:30—and then I log off. The other thing I do is break up my day into chunks. It’s unreasonable to expect anyone to sit in one place for eight hours and remain productive. After hours of focused work, you get burnt out, so I make sure to take breaks. Even if it's just stepping outside and touching some grass, I make time for that.
Another thing is I try to detach my feelings from work. I’ve learned to examine my feelings about a situation and then find out what's actually true, what's factual. That process of thinking about my feelings helps me calm down in those stressful situations. Regarding ambition and self-care, I think it’s crucial to have open communication with your manager. Let them know what you enjoy and what you don’t. Recognize the projects that excite you and keep track of those things so you can lean into them for growth. Ultimately, it’s about being self-aware, really understanding yourself, and knowing what drives you.
Intern: That’s such a healthy way of thinking. Now, who are the women or female role models who have inspired you, and in what ways?
Divya: It’s going to sound cliché, but my mom, for one. I’m very lucky because I grew up in a household with a really strong, independent woman. She’s been in male-dominated spaces—she used to work in banking and now works in aviation, and she’s risen through the ranks in her career. She manages huge budgets and oversees a lot of people. So, seeing her in an executive role was very normal for me. It wasn’t unusual for me to see a woman in that position.
I also saw the independence and freedom she gained from being a businesswoman, controlling her finances, and having her own income. I saw how that gave her a sense of independence, and that was really important to me. I’m lucky to have had a lot of examples of women in leadership positions, both at home and in the workplace. It was never unnatural to me. Representation matters because it makes things feel possible. It’s not about making it seem like something grand—it’s about showing that it’s achievable. So, I’m lucky to have had those examples in my life.
Intern: That’s empowering to hear. Now, what advice would you give to a young woman just starting out in your field?
Divya: I’d definitely say that confidence comes with time. It’s completely normal to feel insecure and anxious at the beginning of a job or a career. But know that it’s just a phase. If you’re motivated to learn, ask questions, and grow professionally and personally, that phase will pass. You’ll become more confident as you go. Your first year might feel challenging, but you’ll look back and realize how much you’ve grown and how much more confident you’ve become. You’ll get there.
Intern: That’s important advice. We’ll just have to put that entire section in bold.
Looking ahead, what changes or progress would you like to see in the industry, especially for future generations of women?
Divya: Definitely more women in managerial roles and executive teams. A lot of companies claim to be pro-women and equality, but when you look at their executive teams, there’s only one woman. It’s easy to say things, but actions speak louder. I’d also like to see more women in male-dominated spaces, like engineering and tech. I’d love to see more female engineers and more safe spaces for female employees—female-driven teams. I hope in the future, women won’t have to act “hard” or “mean” to be taken seriously in the workplace.
I feel that right now, to have a voice in a room, women have to be very assertive—almost stone-cold. Men are often allowed to be softer or more silent, but in male-heavy spaces, women feel pressured to act tough. I hope we see more comfortable and supportive spaces for women.
Intern: That’s the hope. Okay, are you ready for your last International Women’s Day question?
Divya: I’m ready.
Intern: What does International Women’s Day mean to you, and why do you think it’s important to celebrate?
Divya: I think we should celebrate women every day, but if we have to have one day dedicated to it, I think it’s important to recognize the work that women do and everything they go through. There’s so much that women face that people don’t realize. It’s important to honor women in all aspects of life—personal, professional, the roles they play as mothers, friends, sisters, and coworkers. It’s also about recognizing the diversity of women. There’s not just one type of woman, and there shouldn’t be just one representation of what a woman should be.
For me, International Women’s Day isn’t just about celebrating women, but also celebrating the diversity of women and everything they represent, no matter how they choose to embody that.
Intern: That was amazing. Congratulations, Divya—you’ve completed your International Women’s Day interview!